Energy Efficient Products

You have a variety of options for improving your home's energy efficiency. Numerous advantages result from this, including lower fuel costs, low home insurance, and increased home value. So you can immediately make the essential changes to your house if you have always wanted to live in an eco-friendly home. Start by replacing your incandescent light bulbs with LED ones, for example, or installing low-flow faucets and showerheads.

At Orange County Home Remodeling, we can assist you with solar panel installation or insulation upgrades. Our mission is to increase your home's energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. Your property's interior or exterior area will receive a thorough renovation from our team of highly skilled and experienced home remodelers. Alternatively, we can make specific upgrades that would improve the energy efficiency of your house. You can speak with us to learn more about energy-efficient products and how they can benefit you in Orange County.

What is An Energy Efficient Home?

An energy-efficient home decreases wasteful energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and the need for nonrenewable resources. You can live more sustainably and save money as a result. An energy-efficient home is a green home where less energy has been used to carry out more labor and produce excellent results. But it does not necessarily imply that zero energy is used in the construction. Your house will qualify you for government-sponsored energy incentive programs if it is a green home with higher energy efficiency and less of an impact on the environment.

During and after construction, buildings use a lot of energy. They use almost 40% of the total energy consumed by people. Therefore, it is crucial to consider energy efficiency and figure out how to achieve it when building or modifying your home. Some of the more effective methods for increasing your home's energy efficiency are listed below:

Creating a More Stable Indoor Temperature

You can save more energy if your home has a more consistent temperature inside. Fortunately, there are many ways to accomplish this when building or modifying your home. For example, you can insulate your house's interior side, roofing, and walls. You can also insulate the glass in your windows and doors. That way, the temperatures within your home will remain more stable if the entire building's envelope is insulated. That will work in your favor whatever season, whether winter or summer.

Upgrading Your Systems and Appliances

You must carefully choose the systems and appliances you install in your home. Fortunately for you, there are energy-efficient HVAC systems, ducts, and devices that could assist you in creating a more efficient home. You could also choose LED and other energy-efficient lighting and fixtures to make your home more environmentally friendly. The new systems and appliances will cost more upfront but it is always a worthy investment.

Choose a Smarter Design for Your Home

When it comes to energy usage, the design of your home is equally important. To make it simple to cool and heat living rooms, for example, you can install walls and doors to shut out stairways and hallways. Additionally, you could move the HVAC system's attic ductwork. Your home can be designed to cool or heat one room at a time or, if necessary, several rooms simultaneously.

Choose Automation

In your house, automation will boost productivity and convenience. When no one is home or when you are asleep, you can reduce energy waste by setting automatic on-and-off schedules in your appliances. Additionally, you can install sensor lights that only turn on when necessary and off when not in use.

Benefits of Energy-Efficient Homes

The government encourages everyone to become involved as it works toward a net-zero future. Building energy-efficient homes is mainly encouraged for homeowners to contribute to lowering carbon footprints. There are other advantages to having an energy-efficient home beside the obvious ones for the environment. Here are some benefits you could receive from making your house more environmentally friendly right now:

Reduced Fuel Bills

Living expenses are considerable and are anticipated to rise over time. Many people struggle to pay for all their life's needs and wants. Consider strategies to cut our spending and buy more of what you need. One option to lower your home expenses is to build an energy-efficient house. Reduced fuel costs will be the result of an efficient home. When you reduce the energy use in your home, your utility bills will start to drop. You can lower your monthly and yearly expenses for a more affordable lifestyle, even if you pay for gas and electricity.

Cheaper Home Insurance

If something happened and you lost your home, your home insurance would protect you from unanticipated losses. However, the price is high. Homeowners' insurance premiums vary from person to person. Your property’s size, the security measures you have invested in, and how close you live to bodies of water like streams, lakes, and rivers all affect how much your insurance coverage will cost. You can not know it, but energy efficiency can impact homeowners insurance. Most insurance providers provide homeowners with energy-efficient homes at a cheaper rate. You can save much on home insurance with energy-efficient doors, windows, and appliances.

Increased Comfort

You and your loved ones should feel very comfortable in your home. It is your castle, where you unwind after a busy day outside. As a result, it ought to be incredibly cozy. Homes that use a lot of energy can be challenging to maintain comfort levels in, especially during unfavorable indoor temperatures. A house that is not green will have variable temperatures throughout the day and from room to room. Some people's walls have cold spots. Air leakage and draughts can be eliminated to increase energy efficiency in your home and make it more comfortable. Your house can keep the heat in winter and let fresh air in during the summer.

Increased Home Value

Your home's value is significant. Your home will be worth more if it is energy efficient, making it easier to sell for a higher price and earn more money. Today's homeowners are working hard to maintain their homes' high valuations. A surefire method to do this is to build an energy-efficient home or redesign your existing home to incorporate energy-efficient products. When you make your home more environmentally friendly, you can enjoy a higher price when selling it. Additionally, you can quickly find a qualified buyer after listing your house. Today, the majority of consumers prefer to purchase energy-efficient homes.

Improved Air Quality

You will not need to use your air-conditioning and heating systems once your home reaches the best energy efficiency levels. This enhances the quality of the air in your house. Pollutants in your home's environment rise when cooling and heating systems are frequently used. That could impact everyone at home, especially those with allergies or asthma. If the air in your home is of high quality, you can benefit from more hygienic living conditions while preserving the environment.

Using Energy-Efficient Products to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

With these advantages, you can begin redesigning your home to include more energy-efficient products. Your chances of success will be improved if you collaborate closely with a knowledgeable group of home remodelers. When redesigning your property, you should take into account the following areas:

Home Insulation

By insulating your home, you can safeguard yourself from the rising costs of cooling and heating it in the winter and summer. Fortunately, you can choose from various insulation product types and brands to obtain the desired results. After weighing the costs and benefits, working with an experienced home remodeler can assist you in making an informed decision.

The attic of your house allows a lot of heat to escape. That is how you lose a lot of money during the winter months. Your home will retain heat if the walls, roof, and areas surrounding the doors and windows are properly insulated. If you have adequate insulation, your air conditioning unit will not have to work as hard or as long to maintain favorable temperatures inside your home.

Additionally, insulation fills up any gaps and crevices in your home that can allow cold air to enter and heat to escape when the air conditioner is on. All air leaks in your house can be located and sealed with a structural barrier or sealant by a reputable home remodeler. When necessary, they will install blown-in or batt insulation around your home. Your home remodelers will also assist you in choosing the ideal insulation material for your house, between rigid form boards, fiberglass, cellulose, and soundproof insulation. They can install the insulation to achieve the R-value of the material you select because of their experience.

A remodeler can securely remove outdated vermiculite insulation from the attic and swap it out for more effective insulation. You can install new insulation over an old one without pressing the existing insulation and decreasing its efficiency. But it is advisable to have the outdated insulation removed and replaced with a more current, more effective product if it is in poor condition. Remember that a home with good insulation will have a higher rating for energy efficiency.

Energy Efficient Doors and Windows

When enhancing your house’s energy efficiency, you can also replace your doors and windows to make them more energy-efficient. You can either upgrade your current products or buy new ones to replace them. Gaps in your doors and windows allow about 75% of your home's energy to escape. You can insulate or add more insulation in these places to stop energy loss and make your home more environmentally friendly. Note any fissures and crevices. To prevent any air leaks, apply weather strips beneath your doors. You can also put films on your glass door panels and windows to block UV radiation and avoid heat loss.

A High-Efficiency Furnace

Your furnace repair costs can increase if it is an older model or outdated. Even after being fixed, it will need ongoing maintenance and repairs to stay in working order. You can swap out your old furnace for a more energy-efficient one. You can reduce your energy use by at least 25% this way.

Efficient Hot Water Heating System

Your home will be more energy-efficient if you install a more effective water heating system and spend money on other desirable water system changes. Choose a condensing water boiler with external resets to reduce the heat loop. Additionally, you can have a smart on-demand hot water pump, energy-efficient faucets and shower heads, and insulated hot water lines. Once there is enough water in the remote fixtures, the pump will automatically shut off.

Energy Efficient Lighting

You can conserve energy by switching to LED bulbs or compact fluorescent lights if you still use incandescent bulbs, which use a lot of energy. However, maintaining incandescent bulbs is highly expensive. Purchasing energy-efficient light bulbs makes more sense. To control your lighting fixtures, you can also attach timers and sensors. When someone approaches, they will automatically turn on the light, and when they depart, they will turn it off.

Energy-Efficient HVAC System

Your home's ventilation, air conditioning, and heating systems use a lot of energy. Installing an energy-efficient HVAC system significantly reduces your home's energy use. Ask your home remodeler to check for any systemic weak points and make the proper modifications. Sometimes purchasing a new, energy-efficient heating and cooling system is more cost-effective. Also, consider relocating the attic's heating ducts in your house.

Energy-Efficient Exterior Improvements

Making exterior upgrades to your home can also help it become more environmentally friendly. For example, replace the old shingles with a new metal panel roof to reflect more of the solar heat rather than have it seep into your home. A radiant barrier can also be put in place underneath the attic ceiling.

Landscaping can affect how energy-efficient your house is. For example, growing trees that shed their leaves in the winter can be beneficial since they can absorb or block sun rays in the summer and allow the sun to shine through in the winter.

Energy-Efficient Pool

Installing an energy-efficient pool in your house is another way to increase its energy efficiency. A green pool will be more reasonably priced, clean, functional, and equipped with equipment that is both economical and simple to build. For a relatively low cost, you can select the type and size of the heater you require to maintain your pool at significant and constant temperatures. Additionally, you must carefully choose the pump, filter, and pool heater. A skilled home remodeler will also advise reducing the water and energy you use when operating a swimming pool by, for example, setting the temperature lower when the pool is not in use and performing routine maintenance.

Use of Solar Panels

One or a few solar panels can be installed on your house, roof, or yard stand. The production of solar energy is now more effective than ever. However, you must choose a solar panel that is reliable and effective. You will also need assistance to position the new solar panels to receive the most sunlight. The least used and most environmentally friendly energy source is solar energy. You can significantly reduce your electricity costs by purchasing and installing a few solar panels.

Efficient Home Appliances

Alternatively, replace your household appliances with more energy-efficient models. You can choose among the energy-efficient washers, dryers, refrigerators, and stoves on the market today. Even though these new appliances will cost more upfront, once your utility costs start to decline, the transition will pay for itself. You would need to replace your outdated home appliances to achieve the desired result. It is because most old appliances use a lot of energy.

Incentive Programs for Energy-Efficient Homes

Your home upgrade can be eligible for incentive programs for energy efficiency offered by the local, state, and federal governments. Knowing what incentive programs are available and which ones you qualify for once you renovate your house is helpful. For example, if you replace your home's windows, doors, HVAC system, insulation, and solar panels, you can be qualified for an incentive program. You can afford other enhancements thanks to these programs. Keep in mind that the more improvements you make to your house, the more money you can save each month.

Find the Best Energy-Efficient Home Remodeling Expert Near Me

Saving money, improving comfort, increasing the value of your home, and hefty government incentives are just a few advantages of having an efficient home. Due to this, if you are planning to remodel your Orange County house, you should consider using energy-efficient products. For your benefit, many energy-efficient products are on the market right now, like solar panels, windows, doors, water heaters, and pool supplies, which could help you use less energy and save money. At Orange County Home Remodeling, we can assist you in making the best product choices for your house. Additionally, we have the knowledge and expertise necessary to install these products and green your home. For more details on our services and energy-efficient products, contact us at 657-660-3481.


Orange County Home Remodeling has a team of skilled contractors focused on one goal: providing superior designs, outstanding workmanship, and individualized customer service for the most outstanding home remodeling and renovation projects in the Orange County region. We are insured, licensed, and bonded, and with combined years of experience, you can trust us to do the job right the first time. Call us today at 657-660-3481 to get started on your home remodel project.

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